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Rising costs across the board have put pressure on business leaders to seek new ways to reduce their expenses when it comes to infrastructure investments such as printers.
As the cost of running an efficient business escalates, the demand for reliable technology that helps save money in the long run has never been greater. Hence why it’s becoming increasingly more important to consider the total cost of ownership of a printer.
Traditional business models have become antiquated as more organisations are exploring hybrid-working environments and an increase in flexible arrangements. These changes also raise fresh concerns about security and productivity that businesses will need new tools to resolve. If a company remains stagnant and denies the opportunity to invest in smarter devices, they risk being left behind as competitors surge ahead. When taking the plunge and investing in new hybrid work technology such as printing devices, TCO will be a key consideration.
TCO refers to the total cost of ownership of a device. In terms of printers, this includes not only the initial acquisition cost of the hardware, but also the expenses required to keep the device running. These expenses include consumables such as ink cartridges, paper, and toner, energy consumption, printer maintenance, and user intervention. As well as this, a printer’s TCO can guarantee more value for money if it includes software to streamline
your productivity and make your workflows more agile.
Your printer is an investment whose TCO should be calculated in order to forecast your future spending accurately. Therefore, the acquisition cost alone isn’t enough to give buyers a realistic picture of both the expenses and benefits that will accompany their printer throughout its lifecycle.
When selecting a cost-effective printer, the price will be one of the first factors a potential buyer considers. Prices can vary greatly depending on the device’s functionalities, so buyers will need to evaluate their workflows and the tasks they typically perform. For example, printers that fall in the A3 range will have a higher price tag than A4 printers, but this purchase price will be a necessary investment if your workflows require you to print and copy large documents.
The type of printer you select will also depend on your office dynamic,
whether it be a hybrid working setup or a traditional office environment. For workers operating remotely, a compact A4 printer will guarantee a more reasonable TCO due to the reduced size, whereas business owners conducting operations in a larger, open-plan office will have more flexibility regarding device size. They will also stand to benefit from economies of scale if they print in large volumes.
As well as the purchasing price, a fundamental component of the total cost of ownership of a printer will be the day-to-day printing costs. Part of your printer’s running cost will be the consumables required for your device’s output, such as toner, ink cartridges, and paper. You’ll therefore need to select a device that can promise a high yield on consumables.
In addition, you’ll need to consider the maintenance and repairs your
device will require during its lifecycle. To minimise service technician visits, we recommend opting for devices with proven longevity. Those with few moving parts will ensure that repairs are an infrequent occurrence that can be easily resolved. Less printer maintenance and repairs means less disruption. This can only be a good thing for both productivity and TCO.
The energy consumption of your device is another lesser-known factor
that must be taken into consideration. With Kyocera’s ECOSYS range, for example, businesses can enjoy high-quality printing with a lower energy consumption and reduced carbon footprint.
A printer with a satisfactory TCO will also include printing software solutions that allow you to take back control of your printing costs and
bolster the security of your devices.
For example, solutions such as MyQ give users more power over their output as they can reduce wastage by employing a Follow Me system that will only release jobs once a user has authenticated themselves at the device. With this software, owners can prevent unused documents from being left at the printer, thus reducing energy consumption and the unnecessary use of paper and ink as well as preventing confidential data from falling into the wrong hands.
If you’re looking to reduce your device’s TCO, the solution can be found in reliable technology that offer optimal uptime. Kyocera’s robust devices offer the perfect blend of output quality and energy efficiency, and together with printing software solutions, allow you to work smarter and reduce costs in the long run. If you’re ready to find cost-effective document solutions that will fit seamlessly into your existing workflows, Kyocera can help.