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At present, My Kyocera is restricted to Partners and Employees of Kyocera Document Solutions only. Find your local My Kyocera via the button below.
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. (“KYOCERA”) strives to promote a business culture where people feel secure, confident, and comfortable reporting any information on breaches. Therefor KYOCERA has implemented a Kyocera Local Whistleblower Channel to report any suspected or imminent breach of EU or national law.
All past and current employees, consultants, contractors, interns, trainees, and volunteers of KYOCERA and KYOCERA group companies.
(Imminent) breaches of law or misconduct in the following areas:
(i) public procurement;
(ii) financial services, products and markets, and
prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
(iii) corporate tax
(iv) product safety and compliance;
(v) transport safety;
(vi) protection of the environment;
(vii) radiation protection and nuclear safety;
(viii) food and feed safety, animal health and welfare;
(ix) public health;
(x) consumer protection;
(xi) protection of privacy and personal data, and security
of network and information systems
(xii) Financial interest of the EU or local government
(xiii) Competition law
The whistleblower can report confidentially and anonymously via the Kyocera Local Whistleblower channel. The report receives protection from retaliation including suspension, termination, demotion, failed promotion, pay reduction, change in working hours, coercion, harassment or exclusion in the workplace etc. Any processing of personal data carried out pursuant to reporting by the reporting person, including the exchange or transmission of personal data by KYOCERA, will be carried out in accordance with applicable data protection laws, including GDPR.
Kyocera has established a confidential and secure platform where a whistleblower is able to perform reporting in line with the EU directive. Please find the below link to access the platform.