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It may seem self-explanatory, but a paperless office transfers as much of its documentation and data as possible onto a digital or online environment. It does not necessarily mean that there is not so much as a sheet of paper anywhere to be found, but rather that a company is making a concerted effort to reduce its use of paperwork. The impact of such a transformation for a business can be huge, leading to growing productivity and higher customer satisfaction, providing a clear case to be considered. Yet, it is understandable why some firms have been reluctant to make the change.
The advantages of switching to a paperless workspace stretch far behind the environmental benefits; improved productivity is one of the salient benefits of switching to a paperless office. Rather than storing files on-site or off-site, employees can quickly access the documents they need in a matter of seconds, thanks to the Cloud. The time saved allows employees to quickly begin working. Furthermore, the standardised system in which documents are saved means files can be quickly managed and handled.
Moreover, leaders who switch to storing files online can free-up valuable office space and boost security. Paper can take up a large amount of office space, so once digitalised, bosses can use their newfound freedom however they wish: they can onboard recruits to help scale up and progress their business. Or they can improve the morale of current employees and create a breakout zone. An offshoot of digitalising documents is that files are more secure.
Businesses that are looking to go paperless or paper-light must first invest in an MFP that can securely scan and copy documents. Although this may seem counterproductive, when going digital or paper-light, paper documents still can play an important role in the modern office; thus, it is vital to have a machine that can manage paper and create digital copies. The next step in the roadmap to paperless or paper-light workspaces is the Cloud. The Cloud is a technology that helps documents be securely stored and saved. Therefore, businesses can seamlessly transition to a digital workspace.
Finding the perfect balance between the two is invaluable in the effort to successfully achieve a paperless office:
Roadmap to Paperless
Here are some of Kyocera’s ideas of how to successfully become a paperless office.