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The print industry has talked about the future of print being inkjet for many years now. This message is communicated so frequently that we question whether it originated from customers looking at new differentiators - or from manufacturers pushing a market message to bring new customers on board.As several industry platforms and respected research institutes confirm the trend towards professional production inkjet, it is beneficial to understand this trend and why it is occurring. We can do this by sharing knowledge and learning about the challenges and opportunities that exist within our industry from experts. By gaining an understanding, we can begin to realize the impact of inkjet on our markets and customer applications.
What is clear is that the landscape has rapidly shifted as inkjet disrupts the market. For offset customers, inkjet is an opportunity to answer changing customer demands for quicker turnaround times, shorter job lengths, and personalisation of marketing materials.
Download our whitepaper and gain more insight into the promise of inkjet and how it is revolutionizing the production printing industry.