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When it comes to hybrid working where staff are spread across multiple locations, we need devices that work. All downtime, regardless of the issue, is time lost. Frustrating downtime not only impacts our productivity, it can often disrupt an entire workflow. This inevitably trickles down to affect customer service – and not for the better.
Kyocera's new series is an A3 MFP industry pioneer in staple detection and its ultrasonic multiple paper feed detection feature ensures that no scanned pages are missed during the digitisation of a paper document. Meanwhile, documents are easily adjusted via the automatic tilted correction features from both the Document Processor or platen. Our new devices clearly illustrate why prevention is far better than cure.
Scanning to folders continues to be a pain for many, but with Kyocera’s new arrivals, the once complicated set-up of Scan to Folder functionality has now been made easy on both the MFP and PC so that users can quickly and easily choose and create destination folders.
Uncertain times call for partners you can depend upon. Having been recognised as the Most Reliable Colour Copier MFP by BLI, these models will once again live up to that standard. Kyocera also guarantees professional quality output with this range thanks to the new image processing technology.
Artificial intelligence is continuing to grow importance in our industry; we have seen how it can be used to automate processes and in predictive maintenance to boost productivity and reduce downtime. Now, with brand-new artificial intelligence functionalities such as Super Resolution and Handwriting, the TASKalfa 7054ci/7004i series enables users to personalise and dramatically improve the quality of their output.
Beyond the box, this TASKalfa range provides users with a host of value-adding and scalable software solutions such as Kyocera Fleet Services and Kyocera Net Manager that aim to maximise fleet performance while growing alongside your business.
Sustainability is a huge part of the Kyocera DNA. We not only innovate to deliver the best solutions to our customers; we innovate in order to create a more sustainable future alongside our customers. This all goes back to the philosophy of our founder Dr Kazuo Inamori to “Do the right thing as a human being”.
Therefore we are continuously developing products that will actively help prevent global warming, save natural resources, and eliminate hazardous substances. The TASKalfa 7054ci/7004i series once again demonstrates that top-of-the-line quality hardware can be produced while showing maximum respect to the environment around us.
Equipped with powerful CPU’s to boost overall productivity, the new series offers low Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) values without compromising on performance. Furthermore, energy consumption during sleep mode has been significantly reduced. This means greater efficiency while spending less on energy bills.
In addition, we have improved our toners and image processing for the colour models. The most important advantages of these improvements are that they give a higher image quality and increased image stability while using less toner at a reduced melting point. That means not only the image quality benefits but also the environment.
Due to the new recipe the toner has a new core which has the ability to fuse at a lower temperature. Together with the improved fusing system these new developments will help reduce their overall TEC values compared to its predecessor.
There is not one winning formula to guarantee success during these uncertain times and this is where the new TASKalfa devices will come into its own. By directly focusing on several key areas such as productivity, security, efficiency, and quality, this range of A3 MFPs has the potential to help organisations rapidly accelerate their digital transformation while better preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead.
Discover innovation at its best with the new TASKalfa 7054ci/7004i devices