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Online Privacy Statement

Last modified: May 2024
close up of hands typing on a smartphone

This Privacy Statement outlines the principles and rules on the processing of personal data of individuals, which includes, customers, suppliers, business partners and their employees, as well as the users who visit KYOCERA websites and social media channels (“Websites”) by KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. (“KYOCERA”, “We” or “Us”) as a data controller.

KYOCERA reserves the right to amend this Statement from time to time.

You can download this Statement in pdf format below:

  • Privacy Statement_v4_updated.pdf (Privacy Statement_v4_updated.pdf)
    • 119 KB
    • PDF


Kyocera only processes personal data in accordance with the principles laid down in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU 2016/679). In this Statement, We explain:

  • Why and on what legal basis We are processing your personal data
  • With whom We share your personal data
  • To which countries We transfer your personal data
  • For how long We keep your personal data
  • What your rights are concerning Us processing your personal data
  • How you can contact Us and other important information

Why are we processing your personal data?


A. Provision of the Websites: In order for you to access and use Kyocera’s Websites, Kyocera processes your IP-address, the requested URL, information regarding your browser, operating system, Internet Service Provider, date and time of accessing the Websites, and the website you visited prior to accessing Kyocera’s Websites. Kyocera processes these data in order to provide the content of its Websites on your terminal device. Kyocera transfers these data in the AWS cloud in Ireland for cases which potentially require fixing and debugging and stores these data for 7 days.

Kyocera processes these data based on its legitimate interest to make its Websites publicly available, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

B. Cookies: For more information about how We use Cookies and other related technologies on our Websites please read our Cookie Statement.

C. Newsletter: If you are a Kyocera business partner or customer, or if you subscribed to receive our newsletter, We process your contact details, e.g. name, email address, to send our newsletter and promote similar Kyocera products and services. In case you are a Kyocera business partner or customer, we process your personal data based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR as Kyocera has legitimate interests to promote its products and services to its business partners and customers. In case you subscribed to our newsletter, Kyocera processes your personal data based on your consent, Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

We store your personal data for as long as you subscribe to the newsletter or until We receive your objection. Then, We will remove your contact details from our mailing lists. You can easily opt-out of this service by clicking the unsubscribe button provided in each newsletter.

D. Contact form and email: When you contact Us, e.g. via one of our online contact forms or email, We use your personal data to answer your requests, e.g. provide you with support regarding our products and services.

When you provide your contact details, e.g. for Us to send you whitepapers or newsletters per email, We will use your personal data to send you these whitepapers or newsletters. You can easily opt-out of this service by clicking the unsubscribe button provided in the email.

Kyocera processes your personal data based on its legitimate interest to answer inquiries with (potential) customers, Article 6(f)(1) GDPR.

We keep your personal data for the duration of your enquiry and, in the case of Dutch laws on maintaining a proper business administration apply, for a term of 7 years.

E. MyKyocera: If you conduct business with Kyocera, you may have the possibility to log in to your MyKyocera account in order to access content, and/or conduct business with Us. In order to process your registration, maintain your account, and deliver the requested content, Kyocera processes your name, company name, business email address and job function from you or your employer. Either, you have directly supplied Us with your personal information, or your employer may have done so.

Kyocera processes these personal data based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR as the processing  is necessary for Kyocera to comply with its contractual obligations. Furthermore, in order to comply with our contractual obligations, e.g., delivery of purchased products, We share your information with our subsidiaries and third party service providers. Kyocera stores your personal data as long as you are using your MyKyocera account and, subsequently, in the case of Dutch law on maintaining a proper business administration applies, 7 years.

F. Personal data from business contact information: Kyocera may also process personal data from business contact information such as name, company name, business email address and job function, that you or your employer provide to us, or that we request from your organization, our suppliers or our business partners as part of a contract. Kyocera processes this personal data based on Article 6 (1)(b) and (f) GDPR as the processing is necessary to communicate with you about business matters and sales process, as well as to manage your contract, your billing history, invoicing and payment obligations.

G. Social Media: Kyocera uses various social media channels to disseminate information and to interact with users on the following social media portals based on its legitimate interest to use up-to-date communication tools, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Please note that Kyocera only partially determines the means and purposes of the respective processing activities. For more information regarding the data processing activities of social media providers, including the creation of profiles for marketing purposes, the transfers of personal data outside the EU, etc., and how to exercise your rights as a data subject, please follow the link of the respective social media provider. 

i. Facebook

Kyocera and Facebook (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) acknowledge and agree that we process your personal data as joint controllers when you visit Kyocera’s Facebook page (available at For further details please visit the joint controllership arrangement we concluded (available at For further information about how Facebook processes your personal data please visit
and If you want to
opt-out of Facebook’s data processing activities, We recommend to adjust the privacy settings in your user account or contact Facebook directly Kyocera shall help to you to exercise your right to the possible extent.

ii. LinkedIn

Kyocera and LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place,
Dublin 2, Ireland) acknowledge and agree that we process your personal data as joint controllers when you visit Kyocera’s LinkedIn presence (available at For further details, please visit the joint controllership arrangement we concluded (available at For further
information about how LinkedIn processes your personal data please visit her&
If you want to opt-out of LinkedIn’s data processing activities, We recommend to adjust the privacy settings in your user account or contact LinkedIn directly. KYOCERA shall help to you to exercise your right to the possible extent.

iii. Youtube

Kyocera has a channel on Youtube (available at Further, Kyocera has embedded Youtube videos on its Websites. For more information about how Youtube and YouTube’s parent company Google LLC processes your personal data, please visit 

iv. Twitter

Kyocera uses Twitter International Company (26 Fenian St, Dublin, D02 FX09, Ireland) to operate the Kyocera Twitter account (available at For further information about how Twitter processes your personal data, please visit If you want to adjust and/or opt-out of Twitter’s data processing activities, We recommend to adjust the privacy settings in your twitter account or contact Twitter directly. 

v. Instagram

Kyocera uses Instagram Inc. (Campus Building in Menlo Park, California) to operate the Kyocera Instagram account (available at Facebook Inc., For further information about how Instagram processes your personal data, please visit elpref=hc_fnav&bc[0]=Instagram%20Help&bc[1]=Privacy%20and%20Safety%20Center. If you want to opt-out of Instagram’s data processing activities, We recommend to adjust the privacy settings in your user account or contact Instagram directly. Kyocera shall help to you to exercise your right to the possible extent.

H. Kyocera events: If you sign up for one of our events via our Websites, We will use your personal data to sign you up for the event and to record the preferences that you may have, such as time of arrival and departure, accommodation, meal preferences, etc. We share your personal data with our event management partners, e.g. hotels, travel agencies, to make the necessary arrangement(s) for the respective event. Kyocera processes your data based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR and will store your personal data for the duration of the event and in the case of Dutch laws on maintaining a proper business administration applies, for a term of 7 years.

When you provide your contact details during one of our events, e.g. for our Sales Team to contact you and/or to send you marketing emails. We will use your personal data to contact you about our products and services and/or to send you marketing emails. Kyocera processes your personal data based on your consent, Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. We store your personal data for as long as you subscribe to the marketing communication or until We receive your objection. Then, We will remove your contact details from our marketing lists. You can easily opt-out of this service by clicking the unsubscribe button provided in the email.

I. Other: In order to prevent fraud and to maintain the security of our products and services, We may use your information. Sometimes we need to use your information to handle legal claims, or to comply with applicable legal obligations or law enforcement agency requests

Who are we sharing your personal information with?

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. is a globally operating company and different functions are located in different countries. We might therefore share your personal information with those group companies who are providing a service for KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. A list of our European subsidiaries can be found here. Our global headquarter, KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc., is located in Japan.

For the purpose under items (c) and (h), we will share your personal information with our group company located in your country.

We also use trusted external agents, suppliers and contractors to provide certain services for Us in relation to the processing of your personal information, such as hosting, credit management and communication service providers.

To the extent We are required by law, regulation or court order to disclose your personal information, We may have to share your personal information in compliance with that law, regulation, or court order.


International Transfers

We may transfer your personal data to a group company or third party that is located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. If this country does not provide for an adequate level of protection by domestic law according to the European Commission, We have ensured this adequate level of protection by agreeing on additional appropriate safeguards with that group company or third party through the Standard Data Protection Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission. A list of countries that have ensured an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission can be found here. You may request a copy of the Standard Data Protection Contractual Clauses by sending Us an email.

Alternatively, We may ask you for your explicit consent to the proposed transfer. 

For how long do We keep your personal information?


Where possible, We have set specific retention periods for keeping your personal information. These specific retention periods are stated above, or We shall communicate these to you at or before We start processing your personal information. 

Where it is not possible for Us to use set retention periods, We have stated below the criteria that We use to determine the retention periods:

  • The assessment of your fundamental rights and freedoms;
  • The purpose(s) of processing your personal information. We shall not keep your personal information longer than is necessary for the purpose(s) We
    collected it for. 
  • Any relevant industry practices or codes of conduct on keeping personal information;
  • The level of risk and cost associated with keeping your personal information (accurate and up-to-date);
  • Whether We have a valid, lawful basis to keep your personal information;
  • The nature, scope and context of processing of your personal information and our relationship with you;
  • Any other relevant circumstances that may apply.

In any case, We shall keep your personal information in compliance with applicable legal requirements, and We make periodical reviews of the personal information We hold. 

Your Rights

You have certain legal rights that we wish to inform you of.

Access. You have the right to be informed on whether We process your personal data or not and to related information on that processing activity.

Rectification. You have the right to have your personal data rectified or completed by Us without undue delay. If you have set up an account with Us, you may have the possibility to rectify or complete your personal data yourself.

Right to be forgotten. You have the right to have your personal data erased by Us without undue delay. This right is limited to specific grounds. For example, if you have withdrawn your consent, or if you object and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for Us to maintain the processing. If you have an account with Us, in many instances you have the option to erase your account yourself, in which case all your personal data is permanently deleted.

Restriction of processing. You have the right to request that We restrict the processing of your personal data based on specific grounds. These are (1) the time for Us to verify the accuracy of your personal data on your request; (2) instead of erasure of unlawful processing, you request restriction of use instead; (3) you need personal data in legal proceedings; or (4) We are verifying whether our legitimate grounds override your objection to the processing.

Right to object. You have the right to object at any time to our processing of your personal data if such processing is (1) based on our legitimate interest, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (including Us making a profile of you based on your consent); (2) for direct marketing purposes; or (3) necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or exercise of official authority vested in Us. We shall cease to process your personal data based on your objection, unless We demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds overriding your interests, rights and freedoms or if We need your personal data in legal proceedings.

Data portability. We are required to inform you of your right to receive your personal data from Us so that you can transmit that personal information to another service provider. 

Consent withdrawal. If you have supplied Us with your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. You may do so by unsubscribing from the service that you have subscribed to if applicable. You may also do so by sending us an email to We shall then permanently remove your personal data from our database.

Lodging a complaint. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the country of your residence, about our processing of your personal data. You can find a complete list of supervisory authorities here.

Exercising your rights and contacting us

At Kyocera, We have a network of privacy professionals available, including a Group Data Protection Officer, to assist you with your queries. If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or you have a question about this document, please contact us via email, or send Us a letter to the address below:

Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.

Attn.: Data Protection Office

Beechavenue 25

1119 RA Schiphol-Rijk

The Netherlands


Please note that in exercising your rights, we may ask you to complete a request form. We shall then inform you of the process of handling your request. Exercising your right is free of charge and we are determined to answer your request without undue delay.

Other Kyocera Privacy Statements

We also have specific promotions, campaigns, services and privacy processes that are substituted, or supplemented by different privacy state

  • KFS privacy statement

    How we process personal data in relation to KYOCERA Fleet Services, where Kyocera acts as data controller.

  • Privacy statement for job applicants

    This statement explains how we process personal data in the recruitment process.

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