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Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. (President: Norihiko Ina) (hereafter "Kyocera"), one of the world's leading document solutions companies, announced that it has been recognized as a "Major Player" in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Security Solutions and Services Hardcopy 2019-2020 Vendor Assessment※.
This IDC MarketScape covers a variety of hardcopy vendors and is based on a comprehensive framework to evaluate security delivered as standalone features and solutions, within the context of a managed print and document services (MPDS) engagement, and as non-MPDS professional and managed services.
Kyocera offers a layered approach to print security focused on four key areas: device-level protection, authentication, software/SaaS, and consulting services. Kyocera provides a broad range of security capabilities including data encryption, device and print management, and malware protection.
According to the IDC MarketScape report, "In recent years, Kyocera has strengthened its ECM※1/BPO※2 and content services-related solutions, positioning itself to help customers digitize paper-based processes and automate workflows." The report also notes, "Kyocera's expertise in document workflow combined with the company's broad security solutions portfolio provides a strong foundation for addressing specific security threats, especially within the SMB sector." Robert Palmer, Research Vice President, Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions for IDC adds: "With Kyocera's comprehensive approach to print and document security, Kyocera has positioned itself as a trusted security advisor."
"As technology becomes more complex, so do the problems businesses face. Kyocera is developing answers to the challenges of the future." said Keisuke Koyama, General Manager of Marketing Division. "By evolving our devices and solutions with industry leading security features, along with the strengthening of our security services capability thru partnership and acquisition, Kyocera aims to provide our customers with a security risk free office environment." added Keisuke Koyama.