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1 July 2021: Kyocera Document Solutions Europe B.V. today announced the launch of Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan, a solution which enables users to print and scan through cloud services. The solution contributes in organizations to promote a hybrid workplace by offering the flexibility of printing and scanning from multiple locations, while controlling overall printing costs through central management.
In 2020, many organizations were forced to adopt to new ways of working as the COVID-19 pandemic had an unimaginable impact on the workplace. By the end of the first half of the year, an estimated 93 percent of global workers lived in countries with workplace closures in place, according to the International Labor Organization. Research from Gartner predicts that at least 48 percent of employees will continue to work remotely in some capacity after the pandemic.
As offices are becoming increasingly decentralized, there is a growing need for print infrastructure which supports employees in handling document tasks from different locations. Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan is an optimal solution for organizations that are adapting to the new workplace and aiming to increase productivity, offering the following advantages: