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Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands – 5 June 2019: Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, one of the world’s leading document solutions companies, celebrates World Environment day as part of the Kyocera Group, who was awarded Japan’s Environment Minister’s Award for Global Warming Prevention Activity for the ninth consecutive year in December.
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is at the forefront of advocating sustainability in the workplace and beyond through its eco-friendly business approach. The organisation holds sustainability and environmental protection at the heart of its very existence.
At the end of 2018, Kyocera Corporation was once again awarded Japan’s Environment Minister's Award for Global Warming Prevention Activity for its energy conservation efforts at Nagano Okaya manufacturing plant as well as community-based environmental awareness activities.
This was in part due to the way in which the company operates with the Document Solutions’ division showcasing a market-leading Environmental Management scheme. As a result, its success is driven by combining the company’s economic and ecological goals. These environmental strategies, also known as Green Management, resonate throughout the whole Kyocera Corporation and can be categorised into three different target areas such as:
1. Green products, which promote a low-carbon society
2. Green factories, referencing the need to minimise residual waste in factories and facilities
3. Green communication, which raises awareness and takes action on the need to conserve biodiversity by reducing harmful impacts on the natural environment.
This enables Kyocera to essentially coexist with nature and is the very philosophy that defines Kyocera and guides the company’s success. Established by the company’s founder, Dr. Kazuo Inamori, the philosophy insists upon the organisation’s duty to “Respect the Divine and Love People” as well as to “Do What is Right as a Human Being”. These have since become corporate mottos that have driven the company’s growth and determination to protect the environment in day-to-day operations.
Following suit, Kyocera Document Solutions Europe has also made climate change awareness a central pillar of its day-to-day business. This has involved creating all devices and solutions with the environment in mind. The group’s ECOSYS printer technology reduces waste creation and presents one of the first cartridge-free systems for laser printers, which helps reduce environmental impact.
This is complemented by the company’s Toner Take-Back recycling programme. The scheme has recycled over 600,000kg of empty toners across Europe. As such, it provides organisations with a simple way of recycling one of the most common office sources of waste. By participating in this service, companies contribute to reducing waste and energy consumption.
Furthermore, the company takes pride in aiming to reduce the environmental impact of each hardware solution it introduces into the market. Kyocera Document Solutions Europe leads by example through the creation of elements such as energy-saving toner, which works at 30ºC less than conventional products, requiring less energy usage.
To showcase a real commitment to taking care of the environment and striving to promote sustainability, the Kyocera Group has been a member of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, since 2011.
Thanks to the Kyocera Group’s constant determination to operate sustainably in all its business divisions, it has achieved various environment-related honours worldwide. This highlights Kyocera’s outstanding dedication to protecting the world around us by ensuring a better and healthier future for the generations to come.
About Kyocera Document Solutions Europe
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is a group company of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc., a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business
applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimize and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change.