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Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands – 9 January 2020: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. (herein "Kyocera") and OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH (herein "OPTIMAL SYSTEMS") announced that they have signed a contract on 27 December 2019 (Germany local time) allowing Kyocera to acquire shares of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. Kyocera consistently continues its document management transformation and, with the acquisition of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS, now extends its range of services to include high-quality information management.
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS is one of the leading German, owner-managed providers of enterprise content management software (ECM). More than 450 employees in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Serbia, support the installations and ECM solutions of several thousand customers, some of which are operated worldwide.
Apart from almost 30 years of experience in software development, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS' core competences include broad experience in providing ECM solutions to all possible verticals in the market along with different levels of software-related services. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS' high technical integration competence, individualisation and personal expertise have proven to be particularly valuable.
OPTIMAL SYSTEMS offers a wide range of software solutions, thus perfectly rounding of the Kyocera group's enterprise content management portfolio. Kyocera hopes that this investment will enable it to offer its customers more than before with a broader portfolio, thus opening up new customer groups. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS will remain independent and will continue to operate unchanged.
Norihiko Ina, President of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc.: "Thanks to the cooperation, we can now offer new, optimally tailored consulting, hardware, software and services at any time, regardless of location, to make our customer's business processes even more efficient.
Karsten Renz, founder and CEO of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, says about the purchase: "We are absolutely convinced that we will grow faster internationally within the Kyocera group, because we can now additionally offer our ECM know-how to Kyocera customers in order to significantly support their digitisation processes. Developing economical, customer-oriented solutions is part of the mission statement of both companies. Following this philosophy, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS and Kyocera complement each other perfectly."