Registered Trademarks / Definition of Trademarks

Trademarks mean:
A Trademark is identified as the ‘KYOCERA’ logo marks constituting a part of the Brand Mark, Trademark and/or Trade name as identified on this website or other materials. Trade names include the names of: “KYOCERA Document Solutions International Sales”, KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation and KYOCERA Corporation as well as our subsidiaries listed in this website. In this context, trademark include “KYOCERA Document Solutions” which is the distinctive elements of the Trade names of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation, KYOCERA Corporation and our subsidiaries. Trademarks can include other Trademarks, Trade names and means of distinction, whether registered or not, and which are or will be used by KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. or the KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation or KYOCERA Corporation.

All Trademarks are the sole and exclusive property of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation and KYOCERA Corporation and are exclusively owned and controlled KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation and KYOCERA Corporation.

Further terms and conditions, together with support materials are available through the usual sales procedures, including the “Pledge of Compliance”. We can only permit the use of the Trademark of KYOCERA with the prior written consent of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V., Amsterdam.

All other Trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective Owners.

Neither this website nor our related websites contain a comprehensive list of all Trademarks of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation and KYOCERA Corporation. The absence of a product or service name does not therefore constitute a waiver of Trademarks or other intellectual property rights of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation and KYOCERA Corporation.
Use of Trademark in stylized or modified form of our logo and product names shall only be permitted under license – unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. All partners of KYOCERA Corporation, KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation, KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. or its subsidiaries shall use our Trademarks in line with our Corporate Identity. Guidelines are listed in our Trademark manual, concerning for example, the measurement, the location and the area relationship of the Trademark, together with our Trade name and our corporate mark. Furthermore, it is permitted to use the Trademarks only in relation to KYOCERA Document Solutions B.V.’s and KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation’s products. The Trademarks cannot be used in any manner which is confusing or misleading; or causes confusion or misleads as to any source or quality of KYOCERA Document Solutions products or which harms the goodwill associated with the Trademarks or is in danger of such confusion or harm.

For further details please see our support materials, including the “Pledge of Compliance” mentioned above. However it should be noted that KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. or KYOCERA Document Solutions Corporation or KYOCERA Corporation may immediately require a “stop” of use of the Trademarks if there is any unauthorized modification or use, or any harm to the goodwill of our interests or any violation of the “Pledge of Compliance”.


Notice to any user of this website.

Access of information held within this website: qualified users will receive from KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. a password to access the “distributor” section of the website; this is solely for the user only and may not be distributed to other parties.

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. has exerted its best professional efforts in creating and publishing all the information on the “distributor” part of the KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. website. We have tried to ensure that all information was correct and updated at the time of publishing.

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the results obtained from the use of this information.

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. shall have no liability for the accuracy of the information and can not be held liable for any third-party claims or losses of any damages.

User shall not disclose to third parties information set forth in programming, operation and service manuals; engineering and technical data; or any such other information, which KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. may communicate to user via the distributor pages.

The user shall have the right to view the information and usage for the purpose for which it is intended and disclosed. In case it is necessary for the user to communicate the aforesaid information to other persons for the purpose of carrying out a technical service, the user shall ensure that such other persons are bound by a similar obligation of secrecy.

If user finds that trademarks, trade names, copyrights, patents or other industrial property rights are disputed or infringed by a third party, user shall promptly inform KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. thereof and shall commit to assist KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. in taking necessary steps to protect its rights.
The information contained in this web site does not constitute a confirmed offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any product or service; and should not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. may, at any time, revise the information on this web site without notice and makes no commitment to update this information.


KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The hypertext links provided herein are meant only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by of the referenced site.


The contents of this web site are copyrighted. However, KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. hereby grants you the right to store and reproduce any text provided under this web site public area. Due to copyright reasons, it is not permitted to store or reproduce any pictures and charts displayed under this web site.

Editorial Office

For further information about the content of the web site please contact:

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.
European Marketing Center

Information is provided according to EU Directive 2000/31/EC, for further information please consult your legal specialist

Management Board of KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V.
CEO: Mr. Takashi Kuki
Other Board members: Mr.Tetsuo Okada, Mr. Koji Seki, Mr. Masahiro Umemura and Mr. Katsumi Komaguchi

For Commercial Register information applicable to our subsidiaries, please see our country office nearest International Chamber of Commerce registration information.

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. has the following VAT Numbers: Dutch (KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. Tax Identification No. NL001454924B01)

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. Registration (Commercial Register Amsterdam) No.34070221

Privacy Statement

KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. appreciates your visit to our website and your interest in our products. At KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V., your right to privacy and data security is our primary concern. We want you to feel comfortable visiting our site. By accessing or using the web site, you agree to our Legal Terms as outlined. KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. obeys EU Data Protection Directive and its national legislation; please refer to the relevant EU Directives.

Personal Data

Under some circumstances, i.e. when ordering printed matters, KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. may provide you with a form to enter personal information about yourself. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities. We need your personal information only to process your inquiry correctly. All data will be treated confidentially: KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. does not share user data with third parties.


KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. recognizes that your privacy and security are of the utmost importance, and we have devoted a great deal of effort to ensure that your personal information is safeguarded. In order to secure highest security standards we use technical and organizational security measures. Our security measures are continually updated as new technology becomes available. This may cause changes in for example the use of cookies.


KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. and its subsidiaries use cookies to follow the preferences of our visitors and optimize our Web sites accordingly. A cookie is a small text file, which is placed, with your permission, on your computer's hard drive. You can activate or deactivate the use of cookies any time. However, we have made every possible effort to ensure that our web site will work just the same, even when you do not use cookies. Not all cookies are the same. There are two kinds of cookies: temporary and log cookies. A temporary cookie is used to maintain the users session and to tell the server which page to call up next. Log cookies tell us which pages are being used. Cookies help us to improve our web site to better meet your needs. However, a cookie holds only technical data; it does not tell us your email-address or who you are.

The information contained under Legal Notices and Terms is in no way whatsoever intended to substitute written agreements made by KYOCERA Document Solutions’ s EMEA subsidiaries or affiliates with third parties. In the event that an unintended conflict exists, then the locally confirmed Agreement has priority. In the case where a business relationship exists, with as yet, no suitable text covering any of the above points, then, if local conditions allow, the text under Legal Notices and Terms shall apply.